Friday, September 4, 2009

Muser over Kong Hee's Blog

I came across this blog from the Pastor of City Harvest Church.

Inside the blog, there are a lot of postings of his own personal take as a Chrisitian on some of real life issues and concerning recent happenings in Singapore. Moreover, it generates a lot of discussions, further insights, alternative perspectives and more other questions revolving around these issues.

Personally I think that is a great way of growing in being word-centered, especially pertaining to comtemplatory issues that we have to deal with but yet, there are few channels to discuss. Moreover non-believers who have misconception about the Christian faith and belief can see the discussions for themselves to have an accurate, better and complete understanding of the Christian faith. Moreover, the Pastor understands the "potential", "power" and the "reach" of Internet to engage people through the use of his blog.

Well done.


  1. hey hey..i agree..i share the same thoughts with you on the things you mentioned in this posting..i follow his blog's very well written and is indeed good for reflecting and thinking too...


  2. Yo bro,

    Thanks for your comments. i'm surprised to note that you know of my blog. Actually I just hope to communicate my thoughts aloud through this blog and hope that it could be a source of think tank for church and contemporary issues. Do let me know your blog too if you have. Bless!
